
Welcome to the website of Boarton Presbyterian Church (BPC). The central concern of BPC is to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints. This involves making known the good news of the free grace of God offered in Christ Jesus, encouraging and building one another up in that grace, and together growing up into the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge. We are an evangelical and Reformed church and would invite any and all to join us.

Sheep at Shepsteads

We hope that you will be able to get a sense of who we are as a church in what you learn about us through this website. We would welcome you to visit our Sunday services and get to know us even better. There you can expect a simple worship service, which is built around the centrality of the Word of God throughout, and warm Christian hospitality and fellowship.

If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour we would like to share with you important news. Please give us the opportunity to explain the gospel to you. Come as you are.

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